Advanced Protection & Detection – Canine Training in Newcastle, NSW
Shadowhawk Trains the Trainers
We are here to provide your community with the most modern, cost-effective deterrent to crime today with our dog protection training service. We can help you and your children live in a safer environment.
Family Guardian
Your dog can be a companion as well as the protector of your family home. Shadowhawk uses only Kind Training Techniques (KTTs) to train your family dog for protection.
Cruel techniques such as flanking (pulling out the hair on the flank or around the genitals), electric shock collars, and beating the dog have no place in our training programs.
Dogs forced into training by cruel methods can be left with triggers (a reaction to movement by a person or an item). This trigger can have your dog reacting to a motion made by a child or adult around it, causing the dog to bite to protect itself at the expense of your child.
30+ Years of Experience
Shadowhawk believes that if your family dog does not have a natural suspicion level, it should not be forced into protection training. We encourage all dog owners who wish for family protection training to come for a Suspicion Level Test for their dog. It also allows you to learn the differences between various training techniques available.
Remember, all of our advanced security patrol canines are family pets when off duty!

Narcotics Detection
We believe in creating and maintaining a safe and drug-free environment for businesses, factories, your friends and families. Our focus is to establish avenues of prevention for our clients by providing a non-threatening detection unit. Our services create a very effective deterrent.Canines trained by us provide effective and non-intrusive searches of eskies, cars, lockers, bags and persons. This alternative can dramatically reduce personnel costs.Also, at public events, virtually eliminate long queues, public and customer frustration, and the blocking of entrances.Shadowhawk Canines Can Detect:
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Marijuana
- Heroin
- Meth
- Crystal-methamphetamine
- Amphetamines

Explosive & Weapons Detection
Our explosive detection teams are comprised of the highest calibre handlers and the best-trained canines available to private industry today.Explosive detection is one of the most challenging training for both canine and handler. Both must be alert at all times and be very knowledgeable of explosives and their capabilities. Shadowhawk has designed a program for the most effective, efficient and safe searches, in any setting, under a variety of conditions using the most up-to-date methods available.Our canines can detect even the smallest amount of explosive: military, commercial, or home-built(including those that elude even the most advanced detection equipment available).With our highly trained team, our clientele has the comfort of dealing with these sensitive issues in a timely and discreet manner. All the while achieving a position of implementing, maintaining and managing a safe operational environment. Our canines are trained to locate firearms, ammunitions, explosives and chemical compounds used to build explosive devices.Our canines can detect the following:
- Ammonia-gel
- Ammonia-nitrate
- Hexogen (RDX)
- Potassium Chlorate
- Potassium Nitrate
- Sodium Chlorate
- Nitroglycerin
- Nitropenta (PETN)
- Nitrocellulose
- Octogen (HMX)
- Black Powder
- Gun Powder

Cadaver Detection
One of the most effective ways to find a dead body is to use a specially trained dogs called Cadaver dogs. They are trained to use their powerful sense of smell to locate a missing body. The dogs can do this because as a dead body decomposes, it gives off gases with a distinct smell.The dogs are taught to recognise and respond to this smell. Even in very small concentrations, they can detect and follow the smell to its source. These gases will even rise from a buried body or up through the water from a drowning victim. Cadaver searching with dogs can be divided into several categories or training areas:- Surface Remains
- Buried Remains
- Bodies in Water

Accelerant/Arson Detection
Accelerant/Arson detection canines have provided substantial assistance to agencies in Australia. We can train dogs to detect and locate trace amounts of ignitable liquids.Also, they assist investigators in tracing the evidence.Canine teams can survey large areas in a fraction of the time it takes an investigator to complete the survey. It is primarily due to the mobility and the keen olfactory senses that the canine possesses.Canine searches of fire scenes also facilitate the detection of locations where the perpetrator(s) have poured ignitable liquids that have not ignited yet.Identification of such areas shows more intent on the part of the perpetrator(s) when the case goes to trial.Shadowhawk canines can detect the following:
- Lighter fluid
- Charcoal starter
- Diesel
- Kerosene
- Gasoline
- Coleman fuel
- Alcohol
- Acetone
- Naptha
- Brake fluid
- Paint thinner
- Turpentine and more

Termite Detection
Each year white ants damage property worth billions of dollars. It has been proven that canines can smell termites in the parts per trillion. This means that our dogs can help the inspector find termites much more quickly and accurately than ever before. Our canines are trained to work in a variety of structures, including attics and small spaces. They are also trained to discriminate scents of various types of termites.Scent discrimination allows the canine to differentiate between ordinary household product materials and alert only on active termite infestations. We also provide termite detection services to homeowners and home buyers. To protect your investment, call for an estimate of our services.